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Regarding Exploits Raid1210
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Regarding Exploits Emptypre chromos St október 31, 2012 7:57 pm

» Žiadosť o prijatie - Galamori
Regarding Exploits Emptypre chromos St október 31, 2012 7:48 pm

» prihlaska
Regarding Exploits Emptypre chromos St október 31, 2012 7:47 pm

» Prihlaska - Misrandhir
Regarding Exploits Emptypre Beregond Ut október 09, 2012 6:17 am

» Prihlaska
Regarding Exploits Emptypre Avalon Po október 08, 2012 5:44 pm

» Prihlaska
Regarding Exploits Emptypre Aurin Pi september 21, 2012 6:26 pm

» zadost
Regarding Exploits Emptypre Beregond Pi september 21, 2012 5:09 pm

» Avalon Band
Regarding Exploits Emptypre Avalon Pi september 21, 2012 10:00 am

» Prihlaska
Regarding Exploits Emptypre Beregond Pi september 21, 2012 8:16 am

novembra 2024


 Regarding Exploits

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Regarding Exploits Faya-2083463

Regarding Exploits


Recently there have been quite a few discussions regarding exploits. Some of you want to know what they are, some want to know specifically what's a bug and what's an exploit? Others want to know how we deal with exploiters and those who promote their use.

We'd like to offer a little clarification on some of those points to help you understand our stance on the matter.

Firstly, despite an attempt to be more transparent with the players regarding exploits by posting a description in the forums, we were unable to continue with that method as we found that this information was taken advantage of and instead of using it for good, it was used for evil! An increase in the use of those exploits was seen across the servers and therefore we had to remove the post. (Exploitation thread)

Therefore our decision is not to release "lists" or descriptions of exploits to the community as it is ultimately counterproductive and merely informs unscrupulous players of which exploits are available leading to increased usage of such exploits.

When players are found to be using, detailing or promoting the use of exploits we review the case and categorise the incident into one of three categories:

1. Black
2. White
3. Grey

In case of actions that belong to the category “black” we consider those an exploit for which the player will be punished without reservation if found guilty of using. Punishment can range from warnings to permanent game bans.
They fall into one of four types:

Hacking or altering the game client / server data / data transfer between client and server
Acquiring additional items without using trade / crafting / AH or original gameplay techniques, (e.g. duping)
Damaging / changing other players' character data by other means than the use of original gameplay techniques (i.e. trade etc.)
Using terrain collision to avoid fighting a mob / boss that you would be required to fight in the course of original gameplay
The white category is for things that are actually legitimate gameplay techniques, they will never be punished as long as they are not used to avoid basic features of encounters. An example of this could be crowd controlling a boss while you destroy all of his lesser mobs. As you will agree this is more a tactic than anything else.

The grey category is for everything in between – actions that fall neither into the black or white categories.

Actions that fall into the grey category will be reviewed on a case by case basis. We regard an action within the "grey" category as an exploit and will punish users accordingly if:

The action compromises fair gameplay.
If the action compromises server-stability and the services connected to it

We hope this helps you to understand how we view and deal with exploits.
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Regarding Exploits :: Komentáre

Re: Regarding Exploits
Odoslať Pi január 15, 2010 1:51 pm pre Duncanius
Zly napísal:
v skratke je to o tom ze su 3 kategorie podla ktorych riesia tych co nejako narusuju normalny chod hry.
Cierna - moze mat za nasledok od napomenutia po pernamentny ban je to za hackovanie klienta , dat na serveroch, prenosu dat medzi serverom a klientom. Ziskavania veci bez pouzitia trejdu, kraftovania, AHcka alebo inymi technikami ktore niesu mozne pri normalnej hratelnosi ako to hra urcuje. Pouzivanie chyb v terene ktore zabranuje normalnemu boju bossa.
Biela - kategoria je pre veci ktore su legitimovane ako hratelne techniky, tie niesu nijako postihovatelne pokial neporusuju pravidla . Je tu priklad ze stunovanie a rootovanie bossa koli jednoduhsiemu zabitiu addov. (co uz nefunguje)
Seda - kategoria je vsetko medzi co sa neda zaradit ani do bielej ani do ciernej kategorie.
napr ked vase konanie narusuje ferovu hratelnost alebo stabilitu servera

Kedysi bol na eu fore clanok co presne je exploit a bug a bolo to tam vypisane hlavne okolo ettenmoors ale casom to dali prec lebo zistili ze je to pre ludi supe navod ako ich to naucit

ups, ale snad ich zaujima iba boss a nie ostatok ? Razz ja za to nemozem ze maju niekde tak blbo textury Very Happy
Re: Regarding Exploits
Odoslať Št január 14, 2010 1:27 pm pre Zly
Avalon napísal:
Hmm takze kdyz nekdo nekoho uvidi ze explituje moby tak napise tiket a uz se o to nestara hm toho se da zneuzit ne?

Co treba to hazeni do exploitu v EC v etten ...
v EC raz jeden warg hadzal vsetko do exploitu a shcovaval sa pod ten mostik tak som napisal ticket a spucovali ho (inak od vtedy som ho nevidel) Shocked
Re: Regarding Exploits
Odoslať Št január 14, 2010 12:47 pm pre Avalon
Hmm takze kdyz nekdo nekoho uvidi ze explituje moby tak napise tiket a uz se o to nestara hm toho se da zneuzit ne?

Co treba to hazeni do exploitu v EC v etten ...
Re: Regarding Exploits
Odoslať Št január 14, 2010 9:09 am pre Zly
Autry napísal:
to neni dobrý....chci vidět za jak dlouho mi daj ban za nějakej exploit Wink Very Happy
no ono to funguje hlavne tak ze niekto na teba napise ticket a GMka si to s tebov preberu
Re: Regarding Exploits
Odoslať Št január 14, 2010 9:07 am pre Zly
v skratke je to o tom ze su 3 kategorie podla ktorych riesia tych co nejako narusuju normalny chod hry.
Cierna - moze mat za nasledok od napomenutia po pernamentny ban je to za hackovanie klienta , dat na serveroch, prenosu dat medzi serverom a klientom. Ziskavania veci bez pouzitia trejdu, kraftovania, AHcka alebo inymi technikami ktore niesu mozne pri normalnej hratelnosi ako to hra urcuje. Pouzivanie chyb v terene ktore zabranuje normalnemu boju bossa.
Biela - kategoria je pre veci ktore su legitimovane ako hratelne techniky, tie niesu nijako postihovatelne pokial neporusuju pravidla . Je tu priklad ze stunovanie a rootovanie bossa koli jednoduhsiemu zabitiu addov. (co uz nefunguje)
Seda - kategoria je vsetko medzi co sa neda zaradit ani do bielej ani do ciernej kategorie.
napr ked vase konanie narusuje ferovu hratelnost alebo stabilitu servera

Kedysi bol na eu fore clanok co presne je exploit a bug a bolo to tam vypisane hlavne okolo ettenmoors ale casom to dali prec lebo zistili ze je to pre ludi supe navod ako ich to naucit
Re: Regarding Exploits
Odoslať Št január 14, 2010 7:38 am pre Duncanius
heh, zas nieco po anglicky :-( hod radsej strucny preklad.
Re: Regarding Exploits
Odoslať St január 13, 2010 9:12 pm pre Autry
to neni dobrý....chci vidět za jak dlouho mi daj ban za nějakej exploit Wink Very Happy
Re: Regarding Exploits
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Regarding Exploits

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